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5 Online Hobbies That Help You Build Universal Skills

5 Online Hobbies That Help You Build Universal Skills

Engaging in almost any hobby can prove to be more productive than you think. Let’s face it, scrolling for hours through endless social media posts or watching re-runs of Friends is nowhere near as effective as developing your problem-solving or goal-setting skills through a fun, new hobby.

What is a Productive Hobby?

Almost anything can be classified as a productive hobby if it gets your brain thinking. You need a new interest which you feel you could enjoy and that you’re willing to put in some effort and commit time to.

If you enjoy the new hobby, you’re more likely to stick with it. It doesn’t need to be something ‘dry’ or relevant to your professional life, just something that gets you to make use of new techniques or think differently.

What are Universal Skills?

Universal skills are those which can broaden your outlook on life whether that be on a professional or personal level. Employers often refer to these as transferable skills. For instance, you may not think that a market trader could sell houses but why not, they both know how to negotiate the best price and have the ability to communicate effectively with people in a confident manner.

Buzz words often associated with universal skills are effective communication, organized, collaborative, team building, emotional intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, negotiation, positive attitude, work ethic and problem-solving. Online hobbies, believe it or not, can help with building these universal skills.

Playing Games

Studies have shown that playing online games can help you to improve your multi-tasking skills, most games require the use of strategy and problem-solving skills, the analysis of risk and reward and the ability to react quickly in the face of change.

Reputable online casinos often allow players to play for free on certain slots and table games, giving you access to new games and helping to build your confidence when playing. You can often interact in real time with other players to develop your effective communication skills.

Research is paramount when playing online, you’ll need to look for the most reputable casinos and if playing for real money, which sites offer the best choice of payment methods. This will fine-tune your analytical skills. Finally, you’ll be able to improve your budgeting skills as this is essential to the success of online gaming.

Learning a New Language

Bonjour! Hola! Guten Tag! Nin Hao! Asalaam Alaikum! Konnichiwa! As technology shrinks our world, learning a new language not only transforms your life but can give you new-found confidence and expand your thinking, opening the door to a world full of personal and professional possibilities.

When it comes to making time and showing commitment, online courses are often designed in five to 10 minute bite-size tutorials which you can access on a daily basis. If you can devote more time, then the world is your oyster. Your time management skills will improve as well as your confidence and thirst for learning.

Online Writing

If you have a passion for writing, you may want to consider taking up blogging. Creating a blog is a great online hobby that gets your brain working, puts your organizational skills to the test and fine tunes your research and analytical skills. Of course, we mustn’t forget the most obvious skill, communication!

To be a successful blogger you will need to captivate and grow your audience, encouraging them to return. You will need to provide a flexible approach and be open to change, realizing that if something isn’t bringing in the readers, you need to change it up and inspire readers to engage.

Learning to Play an Instrument

To get your creative juices flowing and to broaden your mind, why not look at learning how to play an instrument. Creative activities are great for enhancing your ability to remain calm and relaxed, playing easy to learn instruments such as the banjo or ukulele can help relieve stress.

Being able to remain calm under pressure is a great skill to have, especially if you’re dealing with a difficult customer or tricky situation. Creativity leads to an open-minded outlook, and it encourages you to embrace change and new ideas.


If you enjoy cooking up a storm then you will find thousands of recipes, guides, vlogs, YouTube videos and online courses that can help you become the next Gordon Ramsey. Cooking requires attention to detail, focus and the determination to succeed. There’s nothing more satisfying than the perfect bake.

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