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Instragram Service – Making Your Instagram Effective

Instagram Effective

Instagram Effective

Feed, is a word that is constantly heard but, what is the Instagram feed? Why this new fashion and interest in keeping it like a grape at all times? What do brands achieve with it? How influential and magnetic it can be and even how you can get not only followers but also clients and prospects just by having a well-maintained account.

Let’s start by clarifying that feed is a set of images, videos. GIFs, illustrations, phrases, etc. that make up our Instagram profile. In summary, it is what we see at first sight when entering a profile on Instagram, and we scroll (we move forward looking at all the images) without entering any specific one. It is that grid of thumbnail images.

The maximum potential or profit from your account if you create harmony between each and every one of your publications?

In just seconds, someone makes the decision to follow or not an account, and in many cases, this depends on how your profile is designed. When you enter to view a profile, the image grid covers most of the screen, and it will surely influence the decision of who is there, here is the importance of having a strategy and planning in care of the feed. You can get the best Instagram services who take care all Instragram parameters and viewer.

This will not only help you to have a beautiful and striking Instagram, but it is a whole brand strategy that will help you create a solid digital image taking into account that the followers of a brand are not necessarily clients and/or consumers, they can follow your account as a source of inspiration which also consolidates you as an expert on your subject.

What do Instagram Users Value the Most?

Instagram is a platform where an exorbitant amount of information is offered at a glance. It is literally a maximum visual content space. And beyond selfies and videos in stories, the most successful content are those where the photographic aesthetics, design and quality of information stand out, in short, those publications that follow a visual harmony and add value to who sees them. Despite the enormous amount of content that is generated on this platform, more technical aspects of the image are valued

then in other social networks where these remain in the background and where the message is more important than the visual part.

Brands are advancing more every day. It is not only to show or communicate a product but to generate memory by becoming visual references. It is a complement between visual balance, minimalism, symmetry, etc., in order to achieve a feed that your potential followers and future potential customers will fall in love with.

Three Key Aspects of Real Engagement

If in addition to this, you add having topics and content according to key dates and achieving empathy with events or elements that are easy to remember for your audience. You got it!

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